PEANA is thrilled to announce Their Silhouettes Bristled with Razors, Naomi Rincón Gallardo's first solo exhibition at the gallery. This exhibition is the premier in Mexico of her video Eclipse.
Eclipse announces the end of a world in the chiaroscuro of multiple daily extinctions. For the ancient Nahuas, the eclipse represented a critical cosmic moment where eternal darkness would prevail and the tzitzimimes* would come down to devour the people. Eclipse accompanies the journey in which the moon eats the sun: as the darkness bites the light mythical creatures appear related to death, sacrifice and dismemberment, all connected by blood. Together with Verses of Filth (2021) and Sonnet of Vermin (2022), Eclipse is part of the the Tzitizimme Trilogy (2021-2023), that imagines several iterations of bastardized tzitzimimes who descend to perform their obscure tasks in complicity with brigades of ownerless arms and animals related to the Mesoamerican underworld, amidst the geography of fright that the Mexican territory has become. Although primarily focused on Eclipse (2023) the exhibition draws from all three stories.
*Tzitzimimes are demonic skeletal creatures that appear in colonial sources from Central Mexico in the mid-sixteenth century, such as the Magliabechiano Codex and the Tudela Codex.