Estación Material Vol. 1 Guadalajara: ASMA, Tomás Díaz Cedeño, Tezontle, Federico Pérez Villoro

Cerámica Suro, Guadalajara, MX 29 - 31 October 2021 
Cerámica Suro, Guadalajara, MX

For this edition of the fair, PEANA is pleased to present the work of ASMA (Matias Armendaris and Hanya Beliá), Tomás Díaz Cedeño and Tezontle (Carlos H. Matos and Lucas Cantú), as well as a poetry reading by Federico Pérez Villoro at PAOS GDL. Made in ceramics, clays, concrete and steel, all the works gathered for this occasion integrate organic forms and motifs that allude to wildlife. Countering traditional art-making processes and notions of manual labor, Pérez Villoro presents “False poetry: the stem of the flowers creaks”, poems created in real time by a computer system designed to imitate the writing style of Rosa Espino, the pseudonym used by Porfirian general, Vicente Riva Palacio, for his romantic verse.